But there is also news and reports about PUBG bans, and crime occurrences due to it all over the country.  There are reports that the game has been the reason for suicide, poor results in studies, violence and other crimes in children. Due to these problems the game is receiving a wide criticism from Indian parents, government and educational institutions. Some states and government officials along with parents are demanding total ban on PUBG. So, to fix the problem, the PUBG Mobile developers have promised that they will solve the problems and addiction among its users. They also said that they will provide a safe and rewarding ecosystem for the players of PUBG Mobile. The game development team said that they will enhance the experience of the game by working with government officials, educational institutions, stakeholders and parents.

PUBG Mobile team said that they are currently working on “numerous new features and enhancements, which enables us to provide an environment for players to enjoy PUBG Mobile in a rewarding and responsible manner”. To make the platform and the game better the developers have asked for feedback from the parents and agencies so that they can solve the problem at hand and make PUBG Mobile “the best game ever”. There are many agencies and institutions who are demanding ban on the game so that the children and youth can spend their time on studying. Its not the first game to receive such criticism as there are other games and apps, which face similar criticism like Tik-Tok. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also mentioned the game in an event where he was addressing the parents and students. In his comment he said “Yeh PUBG wala hai kya?” (is he the one who plays PUBG) in response to a parent’s comments about his child being indulged in online game. Currently PUBG Mobile India Series 2019 is going on, where players above level 20 can participate to win Rs 10,00,000 ($1,40,000). The negative news and ban comes in the midst when PUBG receives its Zombie mode and new updates. PUBG Mobile in India could see decline in many states if Tencent Games doesn’t come up with a solution fast.

PUBG Mobile to come up with a  solution  for addiction among Indian youth - 98PUBG Mobile to come up with a  solution  for addiction among Indian youth - 94